Optimization of wound managementThe goal of the wound journal is to create better communication and interaction between all persons involved in the primary and secondary sectors to the benefit of staff and patients. At the same time the wound journal savings in time both in hospitals and municipalities.Better use of expertsAll parties involved can follow all patient outcomes electronically. The outpatient clinic will be contacted by the daily care if they consider that there is a need. A good two-way communication just when the need is there.Better diagnosis and follow-upDiagnosis is done on the basis of pictures, video clips and standardized forms. When the patient is in treatment are all relevant issues examined whether under the care of a podiatrist, home care, wound nurse practitioner or specialist. This is also the basis for the simple monitoring of the wound is healing as it should.The focal point of the patient - organization of workWounds journal serve as a hub for all in relation to the patient. The system is flexible and dynamic and adaptable to different work procedures and various organizations og.The app pleje.net is the tool for transferring data from the citizen to the Journal.